jueves, 14 de mayo de 2020


Hello children,
Hola chic@s,

Today we are going to do the LESSON 8 of the activity book.
Hoy vamos a hacer la LESSON 8 del libro de actividades.

As you can see, there are three activities. Instructions:
-Activity 1: Look and write
You have to write sentences using THERE'S or THERE'RE and the words of the picture.
Remember to use THERE'S when there is only ONE THING and you have to use THERE'RE when there are two or more things.
-Activity 2: Read, write and say.
In this activity, there are 4 questions with 4 pictures. You have to answer the questions using the sentences in the box.
-Activity 3: Colour Frodo.
As you know, you have to colour only ONE FRODO, depending on what you have learnt during this unit.

When you finish the worksheet, take it a photo and send me it by email.

See you next week!

Como podéis ver, hay tres actividades. Instrucciones:
-Actividad 1: Look and write
Tenéis que escribir oraciones usando THERE'S o THERE'RE y las palabras del dibujo. Recordad usar THERE'S cuando hay solo ONA COSA y THERE'RA cuano hay DOS COSAS O MÁS.
-Activity 2: Read, write and say
En esta actividad, hay 4 preguntas con 4 dibujos. Tenéis que responder las preguntas usando las frases de la caja.
-Actividad 3: Colour Frodo
Como sabéis, tenéis que colorear solo UN FRODO, dependiendo de lo que penséis que habéis aprendido durante esta unidad.

Cuando terminéis la ficha, hacerle una foto y enviármela por email.

¡Hasta la próxima semana!

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